Bangladesh will again have a good maize harvest

Source:  Feedlot

Bangladesh has seen record maize production, driven by demand from animal feed producers.

According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, maize production in MY 2023/24 was a record 4.87 million tons (winter and spring crops), up 7% from last year.

Bangladesh’s agriculture ministry is targeting a harvest of 5.81 million tons next year as more farmers switch to maize cultivation.

The Bangladesh Feed Producers Association said the industry needs 6.5 million tons of maize a year and they import about 1-2 million tons a year to cover the local shortfall.

The use of maize as feed has increased over the past few years as the use of compound feed has increased, including in silage production.

Further development of the grain sector in the Black Sea and Danube region will be discussed at the 23 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV on April 24 in Kyiv.

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