Abbey Commodities DMCC – General Sponsor of BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV-2025

UkrAgroConsult is thrilled to announce that Abbey Commodities DMCC became a General Sponsor of the 23 International Conference BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV to take place on April 24 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Abbey Commodities is operating as a privately-owned, full-service commodity brokerage house, covering the whole spectrum of Agri commodities for physical delivery.
The geographical location of head office in Dubai allows the company’s brokers to operate within all the major producing and importing regions of the Globe.
Abbey Commodities serves both buyers and sellers to achieve the optimal efficiency in their day-to-day trading and procurement activities. Abbey Commodities is a Category B member of GAFTA.
Join the leaders of grain and oilseed industry at BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV – dive into unparalleled networking and quality agenda, engage with experts, gain cutting-edge insights and valuable contacts to foster your business.
BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV will provide exclusive analytics of the Black Sea and global agricultural market, discussion of the key regional trends, challenges for Ukrainian agribusiness in the new season, logistics, financing and recovery of agricultural sector of Ukraine.
Distinguished Sponsors of the conference: General Sponsor – Abbey Commodities DMCC, Sponsors – AmSpec, QSS Global.
The conference is supported by: the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Ukrainian Grain Association, Ukrainian Agrarian Confederation, Ukroilprom Association, Donau Soja Organisation, GAFTA.
Willing to cooperate, become a partner
or ask a question? You are welcome:
+380 (44) 364 55 85
+38 050 786 13 10 (WA, Viber, Telegram)
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