На Львовщине началась посевная яровых культур

In the Lviv region, where soil conditions allow, farmers have started sowing early spring crops. This was reported by the Department of Agriculture of the Lviv Regional State Administration.
They started with sowing wheat (1.2 thsd hectares) and oats (0.115 thsd hectares).
According to the department’s operational data, the total projected sown area for the 2025 harvest is 755.2 thsd hectares, up 0.4 thsd hectares from last year. In particular, agricultural enterprises plan to sow 434.9 thsd hectares (+2.6 thsd hectares by 2024) or 57.5% of the sown area.
Agricultural enterprises are planning to plant 97.5 thsd hectares with spring grains and legumes (+14.8 thsd hectares by 2024).
“This year’s spring gave farmers an opportunity to start the sowing campaign actively. Even those farms that have not yet started sowing are already performing other important work — early spring fertilization of winter crops is underway, and some farms have already started re-fertilizing,” said Lyudmyla Honcharenko, director of the regional agricultural department.
Дальнейшее развитие зернового и масличного рынка в Украине и Черноморском регионе будет обсуждаться на 23 Международной конференции BLACK SEA GRAIN.KYIV, которая состоится 24 апреля в Киеве.
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